Testing the feed plugin

This week we are vegan but back in the saddle. While Beef is out living his best life discovering old buildings and what is left inside them Jake and Sean test Abby's patience by doing our typical musings on found-forest-mags and life in general….
Published on: 2024-07-21
Today our friend SP gave us a great gift! We have always wanted a greatest hits show but that would take so much time to put together that it is almost impossible. Enter our friend SP who shouldered the task. For weeks and possibly months he combed through the first…
Published on: 2024-07-15
This week we were out and Abby took up the mantle and decided that will not stand – so she read you guys a story. It is awesome!…
Published on: 2024-07-10
This week we are joined by one of THE most fun guests we've had in a while! Dahlia is Dopey joins us and is incredible from the word go. Not only does she deliver with Beef in their love of horror movies but she is a full-on geek like us!…
Published on: 2024-07-07
Sometimes we forget of the cast that there are folks out there that haven't been along for the same ride as us for the last 12 years. When we find one they are treasure. Recon Rita describes such a person to us and we are stoked!…
Published on: 2024-06-30
I didn't see some of this coming. We hit the ground running this week with talk of Walton Goggins and the car started to lose traction around love songs. By the time we got to Abby's hate of all things basketball, I think we were way past Tokyo drifting and…
Published on: 2024-06-23
We are old, except for Abby. We are cranky, except for Abby. We are also here for it this week for a great show, except for Beef who wanted to be elsewhere. Yep, that's right, we were holding Beef up this time on the show which makes him oh so…
Published on: 2024-06-09
I know, I know, its hard to believe but we have finally found something that Jake can't handle – Pony Play. Beef follows up quickly with a hard pass as well and I can't figure out for the life of me what the two of them are on about. Pony…
Published on: 2024-06-01
This week on the cast we are back with Mother's Day and dirty talk. Wait that sounded bad, let me try that again, Mother's Day full stop. Then afterwards we talk about sounding sexy with different accents. Okay, perhaps that sounds better. We also do some letters and we get…
Published on: 2024-05-26
Thats right you guys Beef has been casting for 13 years! We are so proud of him. Our friend Wing was so proud he stopped by the cast to hang out and enjoy the Beefness which makes him our most frequent guest on the show….
Published on: 2024-05-13
Sometimes I don't know what to make of the show or how to describe it. But with Abby lobbing Bull Testicles and hidden stripper poles over the plate it gets way easier. …
Published on: 2024-05-04
Is it better to be a teacher or an OF model? That is not even a question. Yet it did make the news this week. Of course there isn't much of choice, if you looked like her you might come to the same conclusion as well….
Published on: 2024-04-27
Join us this week as we attempt to stay on topic. I did say attempt, because if I'm honest that didn't exactly go well. There are topics my friends, and we didn't stay on them. But Fallout is great and Sean may have a bit of a man-crush on Walton…
Published on: 2024-04-21
Abby is awesome. She heard that the boys were all going to be busy this week so she rallied and put forth a gem of her own creation. Yep, you read correctly Abby is going to to read to you guys an erotica story she wrote. Sit back and let…
Published on: 2024-04-14
Today we want to remind you that stabbing your date with a fork is a certified fresh move on a first date. Hey, it worked for Jake. Also, there is a lot of talk this week about sex toys shaped like caterpillars… for no reason….
Published on: 2024-04-07
You knew eventually it was going to happen. Drones are used for everything else why not put rainbow sex toys on signs? I mean, perhaps this is what we've all been waiting for. Then Sean pimps Beef out on the discord server. …
Published on: 2024-03-31
Its been a while. almost 12 years actually but Tonya from back in the first days of the show comes back to talk with us now. And guess what she's just as fun now as she was back then!…
Published on: 2024-03-24
Time, time is a funny thing. How do you feel about the past? In my case I say take me away, I don't mind. But you better promise me, I'll be back in time. Here's the deal I swapped casts. 552 was actually supposed to come out now and this cast…
Published on: 2024-03-15
Your ever faithful boys move forward this week with a cast chocked full of excellence and searing political observations. No, I'm just kidding we spent a super long time looking at bewbs this week. Its not our fault really they were there and then we were looking.  …
Published on: 2024-03-10
She keeps coming back into the spotlight and we keep wishing she wouldn't. Farah has done it yet again and worked her way into our mindscape and, once again, we wish she would find happiness in some other way. Farah's latest surgery doesn't have her looking her best and Jake…
Published on: 2024-02-25

Remember when Sean gets into it and waxes about how he can't see a use or customer for this or that? Yeah, us to, then he winds up owning or chasing one down. …
Published on: 2024-05-10
Source: Hawkseye
Sean went back to the well and bought another piece of shotgun history that no one asked him to do of course he can't shut up about it. Jake of course gives him trouble about it. …
Published on: 2024-04-28
Source: Hawkseye
Weatherby makes a big splash in the waterfowl vertical in 2024 with the Sorix. It goes right after the segment leaders and makes a good showing while doing it. We are impressed and can't wait to get our hands on one….
Published on: 2024-03-18
Source: Hawkseye
Join us for a cast filled with the childhood of boys everywhere in the form of Han Solo's blaster – that really works! We're not kidding this thing is awesome and for way more money than you might want to spend you can have one too!…
Published on: 2024-03-10
Source: Hawkseye
A lot is going on in the last bit for us here at Hawks Eye Guns. Sean has four new additions to his collection and a new piece of sweet gear to boot! He is very excited about it all. He is less stoked for the apology he has to…
Published on: 2024-02-19
Source: Hawkseye
Kicking off Jake's new format we begin with the tragic tale of Remington's 105 CTi. It's terrible, hard to find, and funny-looking so of course Sean is obsessed with it. Then in better form, we talk about more desirable guns that are equally discontinued….
Published on: 2023-11-14
Source: Hawkseye
So we settle in for over an hour and a half of gun talk this time on the cast. Okay, not entirely an hour and a half. We did drift a bit talking about Halle Berry and her dogs in JW3 and then to dogs but we had a strong…
Published on: 2023-10-30
Source: Hawkseye
There was a flurry of activity for Jake and I with the cooler weather. Sean went shooting a bunch and fixed up an older gun with Dura-Blue. Jake switched up his HK for the smaller version and we both have seen prices come down on polly-framed, striker-fired rigs. …
Published on: 2023-10-08
Source: Hawkseye
We normally don't do this in several respects. The first is you will hear this exact same cast on Gentlemen's Soapbox as well as here as the topics mostly apply to both channels. If you listen to one you'll hear the show on the other channel this time out. The…
Published on: 2023-09-17
Source: Hawkseye
We test out a few new guns this week. In Jake's case one that has been sitting in the safe for a year and he finally gets to shoot and Sean meets the new Cheetah 80x at a range. It is an interesting time but be warned the Yc9 has…
Published on: 2023-08-29
Source: Hawkseye
It's getting into summer here at Hawk's Eye Guns and we are exploring all kinds of things which leads us back to our roots….
Published on: 2023-06-12
Source: Hawkseye
We cover a wide range of topics this week on the show. From A pair of new'ish Buckmarks to an HK 22L that seems to run clean as a whistle we cover a lot of bases this week. …
Published on: 2023-04-18
Source: Hawkseye
We had to go see JW4 and after we saw it we had to talk about it! Any fan of gun-fu and firearms would have to agree with this. So we did and here it is. This isn't our standard cast so prepare for some movie geeking out on this…
Published on: 2023-04-03
Source: Hawkseye
It's quite a thing when you get something you saw at Shot Show a few months ago sitting in your hand but that's exactly what happened in this case. Yep, we got a Henry Homesteader and we are stoked about it!…
Published on: 2023-03-27
Source: Hawkseye
We take a look and what Jake wants next and why then talk about the newest editions of what's coming to the 23/24 shelves soon….
Published on: 2023-03-14
Source: Hawkseye
We start off geeking out about the bevy of screen grabs from the John Wick 4 trailer and the guns he's got his hands on this time out. Then we roll into Sean's new member of the family in the form of the very popular CZ1012!…
Published on: 2023-03-07
Source: Hawkseye
We take a look at the new goodies presented at Shot Show this year and sound off on how we think they will be received and which ones we think we may just have to get a hold of when they hit shelves later this year. Then Jake tears a…
Published on: 2023-01-24
Source: Hawkseye
We swing into Shot Show season here in 2023 and brace for all the things we probably won't be getting until 2024! We also get some follow-ups on emails and Sean gets to go shooting after a month of waiting….
Published on: 2023-01-16
Source: Hawkseye
For the first very time, we get to answer and chat about questions you've asked us! That's right, our email is open, you guys asked – and we answer. That's how it works this time out on the show!…
Published on: 2023-01-07
Source: Hawkseye
We had some extra audio for the last few casts that I strung together along with some outtakes and just me and Jake messing around so I bundled them together and punched out a cast for you guys. Happy Holidays and we'll see you in 2023!…
Published on: 2022-12-26
Source: Hawkseye

If you've already listened to the latest Hawkseye Guns Podcast, then this will sound somewhat familiar.  In this combination cast Jake and Sean tackle Sean's need for a hunting rifle, and the New Mexican Governor's attempt to "Temporarily" ban the carrying of firearms….
Published on: 2023-09-21
Then gentlemen are back again seeing if we can solve the problems of the universe.  This time we ask if the entertainment business can figure out what consumers actually want before they run out of money.   GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com…
Published on: 2023-08-09
Welcome back to the soapbox! Today Jake and Sean are asking if AI really is the end of the world. GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter @GSBCast…
Published on: 2023-05-17
The gentlemen are back again, and this time we are taking a look at the rising controversy surrounding Parental Rights.  GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter: @GSBCast…
Published on: 2023-04-28
This cast we're discussing Senate Bill 686, which is receiving bipartisan support. A bill that is supposedly being introduced to protect the American population from the evil that is TikTok.  However… we read the actual bill and discovered that there's a bit more to this.  Please read the bill.. https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/s686/BILLS-118s686is.xml…
Published on: 2023-03-28
The Gentlemen are back once again and in this delightful cast we are discussing HEALTHCARE! Come and Join us for the discussion…   GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter – @GSBCast …
Published on: 2023-03-18
We're back and attempting to tackle both the woke and the anti-woke.  Why annoy one group when you can annoy everyone.  We also take a look at on state's answer to the problem. So… Welcome back to the soapbox.   Share your two cents at GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com…
Published on: 2023-03-01
Join us as we review a couple of listener emails, and try to decide if we saved or ruined democracy last week.   GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-11-17
Here's the actual podcast from this week.  Lets talk about "Amnesty"!   GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter @GSBCast …
Published on: 2022-11-08
Well… Jake was sick last week and never put the cast out.  So you wonderful listeners get 2 this week on ELECTION DAY! Here is the first, actually recorded last week. This weeks to follow.   GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-11-08
In our 50th episode, The Gentleman's Soapbox delivers the quality social and political commentary you've come to expect.  Which means Sean spends an hour trying to make sense of Jake's confused ramblings.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter – @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-10-27
We're back again! This week we drop some verifiable covid FACTS, and see where the rant takes us.  Thanks for listening!  Want to share your thought, or even tell us how incredibly wrong we are, contact us at (Email) GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com or @GSBCast (Twitter)…
Published on: 2022-10-19
We open up this week's cast discussing the book "Men Without Work – America's Invisible Crisis". Join us as we plummet down the rabbit hole and see where it takes us….
Published on: 2022-10-14
Title says it all… this is your trigger warning before listening to this cast.  We ask questions you're not supposed to ask, and say things you're not supposed to say.  Likely something in this cast to offend anyone and everyone.     Please send "Hate Mail" to GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com or Tweet us…
Published on: 2022-09-28
This week we discuss the hostility being leveled at the recently passed Queen Elizabeth.  As always we'd love you to join the conversation.  No need to agree with us.  We want to hear and discuss you thoughts. Email – GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter – @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-09-14
Welcome once again to a podcast filled with professional, journalistic commentary. Oh who are we kidding?  We're lucky if Jake remembers how to speak English (his first and only language). Funny how he still manages to speak more coherently than our sitting president.  Anyways… Welcome to the show!   Pease…
Published on: 2022-09-08
Despite some technical difficulties (I promise I hit the record button) we are back pontificating on the state of the world, and hopefully offering up a solution or two. Welcome one. Welcome all. Thanks for listening!   Let us know what you think –  Email – GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter – @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-08-31
Corruption, overreach, and bears…. Oh my! Join us as we mix metaphors while venturing into the dark forest of American BS.   Join the conversation –  Email GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-08-25
This episode is brought to you by the new and improved IRS.  Want to reduce inflation? Try the IRS, now even scarier and more oppressive.  The IRS… It's only out for the rich.   New Email – GentlemansSoapbox@gmail.com Twitter – @GSBCast…
Published on: 2022-08-18
Once again we are back! This week Jake vent's on what's pissing him off while Sean adds color commentary.  After that, as usual, we talk about what's been entertaining us.  Thanks for listening…
Published on: 2022-08-12